Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Tuesday, 27th of September 2011 - Using the heat from the flames to create motion

From previous meetings with the group, we had explored the different methods of creating this motion through the use of the flame itself. From the original concept(link), motion was a direct derivative of the flames and heat. Ergo, by losing heat at one end, the candle would rise, and vice-versa.

Several concepts were explored: eg.

...Horizontal Motion...
...Vertical Motion...
 Though to come to the outcome of spinning motion came from the inspiration of decorative candle pieces. 

Photo: Candle spinning top - decorative

With the flame at the base of the object the fan shaped spin top is able to rotate as the hot air is drawing in from the environment surrounding the object and forced upwards do to the heat. This will pass the fan and spin it at speeds controllable by how much heat is rising. 

Control of the fan/spinning top speed will be easily obtained when implemented with the new "ring of fire" concept. By controlling how many flames are coming out of the flame dial at once, we are able to control the speed of the fan to a certain extent. However, a question to ask from here is how do we control how many flames are active at the one time...?

By utilizing this concept, we take away the need for any wax - consumable, messy etc. Instead we move towards a clean, tangible interactive product.

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