Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Tuesday, 9th of August 2011

Lifetec allowed us to become informed, view and experience the various assistive technologies available on the market for users ranging from minor accidental injuries to major quadriplegic lifestyles. It was shown that with the help of these technologies, people with major disabilities are able to perform tasks they normally wouldn't be able to do. Being able to experience these products gave us the insight needed to really get behind what is needed in future assistive products.

However, there were two problems with the products that stood out: 1. With some being very technologically advanced, a lot of the products seemed as though they have been "thrown together" our of some spare material to make life a little easier. 2. When a product comes along that does seem to be well thought out and well made, it is far too expensive for such users to afford. This was later explained as a lack of government funding towards assistive technologies. Private industry is probably not interested in funding such products as the return would be either next to nothing or negative.

I do not believe anyone is at any particular fault for these problems, but it does outline what needs to be fixed in this particular design industry. Products designed for the, for lack of a better word, disabled, shouldn't be treated as a business venture but as pro-bono work for those who have already given so much to their community.

In terms of the products themselves, being able to use them in a way that they would be meant to gave us designers an opportunity to gain an understanding of what is required when considering these users in interactive products. We may want to design an interactive product that requires certain motor functions to work at a strong scale, where some people may find it difficult to complete such a task. Having this knowledge in the back of our heads means it will always be considered in not just our interactive product design but in our future designs.

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