Once a concept has been chosen to push forward with it was time to figure out a way to present it in a matter that would successfully represent it's tangible interaction. The concept that was chosen to develop was the impression interaction board which would allow the users to make a physical impression on someone else around the world. The term impression in this case, is not referring to a feeling that is lefet upon a person when meeting or having a personal interaction with them but is referring to a physical three dimensional compression of an array of pins or buttons to create an image. The idea stems from having the ability to leave a "message" for a person to whome which can reply to when they see fit. It is a simple and pure form of interaction that can be stemmed to so many applications, not just in the social interactive stream.
The idea did not come from seeing an impression art board however, but the idea of an international game of tic tac toe. Being able to push a button here and having the same button pushed wirelessly somewhere else in the world. this idea then stemmed to the user having the ability to push more buttons than those present on a tic tac toe board; for example, an array of buttons each with a symbolic or metaphorical meaning to convey the message that is wished to be implied. This again developed even further to the extreme to having the ability to have thousands of smaller scale buttons to which one could write a message or leave and imprint or "impression".
**Video draft #1
Making a video was the chosen method to best represent the idea or leaving an impression on the other side of the world. The video shows how two people can physically leave an impression on one another anywhere in the world.
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